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The possibility for Croatia to obtain new fighter aircraft is not new, as this option has been publicly debated for at least a decade. A sudden decision to advance the acquisition of a limited number of fighter aircraft was made in 2017 with an international tendering process concluding in early 2018. Through open source material, this paper will look at this procurement process by examining the relationship between policy and strategic thinking on the one side, and policy delivery on the other, and evaluate why the tendering process failed in achieving envisaged results. The paper concludes that the problems facing the Croatian aircraft acquisition process stem from at least two interrelated factors: firstly, at the operational level, the failure of the procurement was the direct result of mismanaged tendering procedures linked to the wider public administration reform process; and secondly, at the strategic level, inherently complex civil-military relations and related cultural aspects which have not been adequately addressed over the past decades. The result was a failure to deliver on government policy, something which this paper argues will need to be addressed over the medium to long term.  相似文献   
基于支持向量机的多分类军事目标识别应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对现代战场信息化程度的不断提高,电磁环境日趋复杂,侦查目标难以准确地识别情况,提出了运用支持向量机多分类器对军事侦查目标进行有效识别.结构风险最小化地支持向量机分类方法是小样本情况下统计机器学习的经典,具有速度快、泛化能力强等特点.用该算法建模军事目标的识别问题,达到了较高的识别准确率.所以应用在对侦查目标的识别上具有良好的效果,在军事应用上有较广阔的前景.  相似文献   
GPS坐标系的转换及其在姿态求解中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李康  黄胜  赵辉 《指挥控制与仿真》2008,30(5):113-115,118
在GPS导航应用中,经常涉及到WGS84坐标系、导航坐标系以及载体坐标等的相互转换。从欧拉角的旋转公式推导出发,详细研究了这几种坐标系的转换关系,推导出其在工程应用中的转换公式,并对其在姿态求解中的应用进行了论述。该公式已通过Vc6程序实现,并通过了工程实践数据的验证。该公式计算简单,便于实现,有较好的应用价值。  相似文献   
一种适于DSPs实现的BPSK载波同步方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
提出了全数字接收机中一种软件实现的BPSK载波同步方法 ,并给出了性能分析 ,适合于在存储空间和实时性都有要求的背景下的应用。该方法充分利用软件实现的优势 ,克服了传统方法的一些弱点 ,适合于在数字信号处理器 (DSPs)上实现  相似文献   
着重讨论伽利略卫星导航系统中采用的线性偏移载波调制技术,对GALILEO中可能用到的几种信号的基本特性作具体分析,提出对于BOC信号,应采用余弦副载波调制方式,并在此基础上对GALILEO各种信号的多径误差、平均多径误差进行仿真验证.仿真结果表明,在参数相同的条件下,余弦副载波类型BOC信号的平均多径误差均优于同参数下的正弦副载波类型BOC信号的平均多径误差.  相似文献   
在现有的RFID标准中,一般标签ID都由几个不同含义区间组成。针对这种特点,提出推断式二进制防碰撞算法:在识别每个区间段的ID时,利用某个特定读写器中的前缀库推断该区间段各个位的取值,以便减少待识别标签ID的位数。同时,通过调整参数u,可以对系统可靠性进行控制。仿真实验表明,在没有新前缀出现的情况下,推断式二进制防碰撞算法能够将QT算法的识别速度提高3倍、标签平均响应次数降低3/4。  相似文献   
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